Part of your business is going very well. If you have any doubts regarding this financial side, know that accounting ratios must always be greater than 1. For reliable work, you need to hire an accountant, who is a professional capable of detailing the index. In addition to this qualification, another document that you must present – if necessary – is the negative bankruptcy certificate, which is normally issued by the distributor at the legal entity's headquarters. In some cases, minimum share capital may be required at the time of administrative contracts. Tax compliance your company's tax regularity can be proven through the following documents: registration with the cnpj (national register of legal entities) at the ministry of finance; fgts – crf regularity certificate; registration in the state or municipal taxpayer registry; negative certificate of debt; clearance certificate of debts for federal taxes and contributions. Therefore, an important tip if you want to bid: keep your company's certificates and documentation organized.
This way you make the entire process easier. Step 2: carry out the analysis of the notice the notice is fully related to the document that governs the bidding process. Generally, you will find all the necessary steps to obtain public works support in detail. Therefore, always try to have as much information as possible in the notice so that mistakes are not made in Bank User Number Data the future. The information you can probably come across in a notice is: value regime; deadline for the work; insurance contracted; contractual term; limitation of working hours; technical qualification; penalty for delay in work; early bird premium. As soon as you have access to the notice, you have full knowledge of what the bidder needs. This makes it easy to find out if you can offer what is needed for a bid. Step 3: dispute over values after carrying out a detailed analysis of the notice and registering the proposal to be part of the administrative contracts, it is time to prepare for the competition.
Therefore, it is important that you pay close attention so that nothing gets out of control and you lose your bid! Because, during the price dispute, you cannot bid much lower than your profitability and profitability, as this could cause losses to your enterprise, in addition to leading to your withdrawal from the municipal bidding or disqualification. If this happens, you may be left out of future bids. So, you know: always try to stay focused so that the reality of your company is always paramount. Here, we recommend that you carry out financial planning for your company to be aware of all its needs. Step 4: finish the process! As you may well know, deciding on values is the step that defines whether you will be part of the bidding. Therefore, be prepared if your company is chosen, to avoid penalties being applied. After all, a municipal tender generates a lot of costs for the public administration and, if you do not comply with anything shown in the notice, this will cause a lot of.